
This is not OUR party.

Today many Americans (well the ones that call themselves one at least) will partake in  gathering with friends and loved ones. Traveling great distances to be with those who you

3 years ago

Latest Post The Audacious Concern by Libra Audacious public

Today many Americans (well the ones that call themselves one at least) will partake in  gathering with friends and loved ones. Traveling great distances to be with those who you hold very close to your heart.   and while many find it just only "The Summer" and refreshingly, the need to "Be outside" takes over this is not our party.  

Independence day United States- July 4th 1776...  
Independence Freedom Day United States- June 19th 1865 ...
ok so yall see that math is like a 90 years difference.

This celebration, weekend or holiday is not what WE were ever present for.  Maybe as a country to say I am from the United States of America, but to honestly say all that with the proudness to back it up is a little difficult from my eyes.  To observe more than 150 million people just lose rights  days before the celebration of this nation it pains me to see how folks can be disgustingly on to the next interesting thing.  

If we were to live our best lives as our favorite characters from these stories we read or series we binge watch, we can come up with some type of action plan to improve and eventually solve some of America's immediate problems.  Yea that seems like an awesome plan until you've given enough time to realize although this work can be very fulfilling to anyone, this work will require you to make mistakes, learn from the scenario in all directions, and  recalibrate the system.  You know a light rework of some things and before you know it right before your eyes will be your work, stand behind your work, always.    

Our fight belongs in the skills and connections we make with one another.  Those who have the same ideals on the work you set your eyes fourth to achieve are those who shall catch the dream.  

We are not free, this is not our party and that question of will it ever be doesn't seem to have a distinct answer to it.  Roe v. Wade being overturned and with the onslaught of anti legislation that will continue moving us along the path of undoing what we thought was progress.  Oh yes we believed once this progress was something to be proud of but now are we saying the self choices one makes on one's body autonomy should be decided by the government? Majority folks who are not in the same tax bracket as I am nor look anything culturally close to me or my immediate people decide how everyone exists and none of it has any type of assistance built in for those not living in their privilege.  

This is not our party and we should never feel so comfortable knowing our shady elected officials and folks they roll with have to TRULY be about what it is you need. Changes and suggestions  can always be communicated in a townhall setting where your voice and your peers can be heard.  

Libra Audacious

Published 3 years ago

The Audacious Concern by Libra Davis is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0